Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Dealing with Calluses: Foot Care Tips from Podiatrists in Brick, JN

Unfortunately, your feet are not fully accustomed to the pressure involved in walking and standing for a long period. While the bones and muscles in your feet have evolved to handle your body’s weight, the skin hasn’t. Soon, if you don’t take the necessary foot care, your feet will develop calluses.

The Effects of Pressure

Calluses are dead skin that becomes a hard, protective surface on your feet. They may develop on other parts of your body but they are usually found on the feet where you put the greatest pressure on. It’s not just pressure that triggers the formation of calluses and corns. The structure of your feet, how you usually walk, and the kind of footwear you use also play a part. Walking barefoot all the may also trigger callus formation. For the most part, calluses may form from other foot problems, such as bunions, hammer, claw, and mallet toes.


Monday, October 10, 2016

A Trusted Podiatrist Reveals Some Lesser-Known Reasons for Foot Pain

The feet are some of the most used parts of the body. Not only do they carry your whole weight, but they also withstand a lot of pressure each day. That’s why it’s not surprising why they tend to be vulnerable to injuries, infections, and fatigue compared to other parts of your body.

Some common reasons for foot pain such as fractures, sprains, and simple overuse are easy to diagnose and remedy. However, some are not so obvious, which is why they tend to get overlooked. Unfortunately, without proper intervention, these types of foot pain can get worse over time.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Podiatry Experts Share Top Tips on Buying Diabetes-Friendly Footwear

Though everyone is at risk of acquiring foot problems at any given time, this risk is doubled if you have diabetes. As most experts would tell you, nearly one in seven people with high blood sugar tend to develop serious foot problems, with foot ulcers and loss of toes being the worst-case scenario.

Despite these warnings, however, many diabetics still wear inappropriate footwear, according to a study presented at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists’ meeting in 2011. At times, patients would rather walk with shoes with pointed tips, high heels, or, worse, flip flops.

In the end, it’s better to be safe rather than be sorry. Prevent the risks of foot problems while promoting foot health by following these helpful tips from a podiatry expert.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Taking Care of Your Feet after Running, According to a Podiatrist

Runners have earned the unfortunate reputation of having ghastly feet, though for good reason. They often subject their feet to a lot of impact and repeated pounding, both of which can be the cause of calluses and blisters.

Whether you’re a casual runner or one training for a marathon, it’s important that your performance doesn’t get hampered by painful feet. Ask a foot doctor, and he’ll tell you to do all of these steps to care for your feet, especially if you are a runner.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Four Common Foot Problems Treated by Brick, NJ Podiatry Physicians

Podiatrists are health care providers whose job is to prevent, diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate the different conditions and injuries suffered by the feet and lower limbs. These health care professionals can also prevent and correct deformity, treat infections, relieve pain, and help people achieve better mobility. To give you an idea of what a Brick, NJ podiatry physician can do, below are four of the common foot problems that they can treat:

Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenail is a condition where a nail grows into the skin at the nail borders, which often creates pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in the toe. The initial podiatric treatment often includes the simple removal of the ingrowing section with or without local anesthetic. For extreme conditions, a course of oral antibiotics may be needed to prevent infection.


Thursday, October 6, 2016

Brick, NJ Foot Surgeon Offers Four Feet Protection Tips for Summer

Summer is finally here! As the season starts to heat up, you’re probably getting ready for your much-anticipated vacation. Unfortunately, along the rise in temperature brings with it common foot problems such as fissures, fungal infections, and more. So how can you prepare and protect your feet from the heat and all the foot issues associated with it? Here are a few tips to keep your feet happy for the summer, courtesy of your favorite Brick, NJ foot surgeon.

Wear the proper footwear

Feeling the warmth of the beach in your toes can be an enjoyable experience, but it exposes your feet to sunburn, athlete’s foot, and other conditions. It also opens up your feet to the risk of injury. Wearing the right footwear for your summer adventures is critically important to your feet’s proper health for the duration of the season.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Podiatry Experts Say Diabetes and Foot Care Have Many Things in Common

Admittedly, podiatrists are the farthest from your mind whenever the topic of diabetes comes up. After all, it doesn’t seem like the care for the feet would have anything to do with insulin levels and sugar-free diets. What people don’t realize, however, is that there is such a thing as diabetes foot care in Brick, NJ, and elsewhere, which basically offers treatment and care for diabetes patients through podiatry.

Telltale Signs

While most people tend to neglect their feet, only paying attention when it’s paining them after standing for several hours, feet actually serve as one of the very first sources of information regarding possibly having diabetes.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Preserve Your Feet’s Health with the Help of a Reliable Foot Doctor

Are your feet feeling exceptionally tired such that you feel discomfort and pain in the area? Is it affecting your mobility and your general ability to walk and run properly? If yes, then it’s probably high time that you set an appointment with an experienced podiatrist in Brick, NJ.

What is a podiatrist?

Basically, a podiatrist is a medical professional that focuses on the health of the feet and lower limbs.They can treat, diagnose, and even prevent conditions that adversely affect your mobility, as well as relieve you of feeling general pain.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Expert Foot Care in Brick, NJ: Conditions That Your Podiatrist Treats

If you are in New Jersey and experiencing foot pain, you might want to consider seeing a podiatrist. There are experts in podiatry in Brick, NJ who can help whatever pains you, especially when it comes to the foot. Here are some of the most common reasons to see a skilled and experienced podiatrist like Dr. Kurt Meier from Arrowhead Foot & Ankle.


A bunion occurs on the base of the big toe, and they are often caused when a joint or bone is out of place. If not treated, they can become painful and irritating, and can even interfere with footwear. A podiatrist can create a treatment plan, which might include surgery.


A Brick, NJ Podiatrist Can Help You Shape Up for Running this Spring

Are you trying to shake off the last dregs of winter? You can accomplish that through outdoor training and workouts like long-distance running. But the switch from training on exercise machines like treadmills to dirt surfaces and pavements could create painful problems for your legs and feet. If you start feeling pain, a podiatrist in Brick, NJ can help. New Foot and Leg Pain It’s not unusual for leg muscles cinch up, and feet to swell and ache when restarting a regimen. But this is especially worrisome when cardiovascular health and endurance are at peak performance.


Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Important Role of Podiatry in Brick, N.J. in Managing Diabetes

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, there are a lot of health concerns that must be attended to. First and foremost would be managing one’s insulin levels, but aside from this, the patient should also be careful and wary about the other symptoms accompanying the disease.

Diabetes is the kind of condition that often gets worse quickly, and affects other parts of the body. It brings about open sores and wounds that heal very slowly, result in leg pain, severe corns and calluses, ingrown, fungal growth, and numbness in the feet and toes, among many others.

If not treated immediately or managed properly, diabetes leads to complications like gangrene, which may even require amputation of the limb to keep the infection from further spreading.


Friday, September 30, 2016

How a Podiatrist in Brick, NJ Can Help Improve Your Running Skills

Running, as a sport, has enjoyed a resurgence of interest and marathons have become commonplace everywhere. No matter the season, you can find a group setting up a marathon or fun runs, whether it is for friendly competition or in support of an advocacy or a cause.

Those who join these running events usually prepare ahead of time, so that they build their endurance and speed to perform well on the day itself. Unfortunately, however, this also makes them more vulnerable and susceptible to incurring foot injuries.


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Preventive and Curative Foot Care for Proper Foot Health in Brick, NJ

Foot care is one of the most important procedures to undergo to keep your feet healthy and happy. There are times when foot problems arise due to improper care of the feet. These could range from common foot problems such as athlete’s foot, sweating, and calluses, to very painful and dangerous ones such as sprains, fractures, etc. Feeling pain is the first sign of problem for the feet, but there are no worries, thanks to the amazing practice of podiatry.

Podiatry and Foot Care

Podiatry is the medicine of feet. It focuses not only on curative, but also on preventive procedures to ensure that the feet are free of any problems. Some of the most common problems that can be prevented are mostly hygiene based, because unfortunately, the feet receive very little care when it comes to daily washing. This could be attributed to most people being too preoccupied and just letting running water do its part for washing the feet.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Find a Good Podiatrist and Foot Surgeon for All Your Foot Problems

Foot problems are no joke. Losing the ability of one or both of your feet can be very immobilizing, to say the least. With the responsibility of carrying you places, taking care of your feet must remain a priority. There are a lot of foot problems that can be immobilizing, and there are others that are just annoying, but no matter the case, a good podiatrist is available to help you in all your worries.

Foot Problems for Immediate Resolution

There are problems that once recognized and diagnosed, should be fixed as soon as possible. When left untreated, these problems could turn much worse. Problems such as fractures and sprains should always be treated by a good foot surgeon or doctor that would be able to right what is wrong with your feet. Getting professional help for these problems is important, but there are also minor problems that you should take to a good podiatrist to ensure that there are no issues that might arise due to negligence.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Why Many Diabetics Need Specialized Diabetes Foot Care in Brick, NJ

Diabetes is a unique health condition that can take a toll on your life in many ways. One of the less commonly known impacts that the condition has relates to foot care and health. Diabetes foot care is critical because diabetes is a condition that can restrict blood flow to this area of the body, and it can also damage nerves. This means that you may not feel the damage to your feet, and it also means that the feet may not heal as well as other areas of the body might. Altogether, this can spell big problems for diabetics' feet, and it can even lead to the need for an amputation in some severe cases. With this in mind, it is important to seek podiatry treatment in Brick, NJ as needed and to care for your feet well at home.

Home Care

There are a few steps that diabetics can take at home to reduce the incidence of damage to their feet. For example, you can ensure that you always wear protective shoes with good support. Make an effort to check the condition of your feet regularly, taking note of any troublesome areas. Pay special attention to your toes and to the condition of your toenails. Mention any areas of concern to your doctor, including bruising, cuts, discoloration, swelling and more.

Friday, April 8, 2016

A Regular Session with Podiatrist Brick NJ is Important for Diabetics

With a rapidly growing and aging population, there are new cases of diabetes diagnosed  in New Jersey every year. High blood sugar can cause nerve damage, particularly in the feet or legs. Regular visits with health professionals, including a Brick, NJ podiatrist, help catch a lot of problems before they become too severe.

Foot Problems Can Indicate Diabetes

Many people who are unaware they actually have diabetes find out due to foot problems. Foot and ankle swelling, as well as skin color changes, may indicate a problem. Pain or numbness that happens in the feet or legs are also symptoms. Dry skin cracks, calluses, ingrown toenails, and open sores are diabetes symptoms as well. In addition to being warning signs of diabetes, these symptoms can also indicate that your diabetes needs to be better controlled.